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About Us

kac young is a veteran entertainment executive and creative artist. She has directed and produced many television shows, helmed a television production and development department at Universal Studios Hollywood, and possesses a Masters in Fine Arts and a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She practices her skills in Feng Shui as a way to bring peace and harmony to homes, television sets, businesses, schools and outside environments. She employs a roster of like-minded practitioners and consultants to service the Central Coats of California and also the L.A. area,and  Northern California.

"Feng Shui is the fastest stress-buster and healer of our diseases that I know. I've seen it work so many times and I believe we only can heal the world by healing ourselves first." - Dr. kac young

What do we do?

Working from a ground plan or a drawing, we begin at the entrance of the house/office (the mouth of the Ch'i) and move with the Ch'i in a predetermined way through the home/office until we reach its conclusion. By focusing on key aspects of your life and what you want to create, stimulate or change, we direct this energy and make it work for you. We also construct a BaGua Chart for your space/home/office and show you how the nine squares of life are reflected in the floor plan. After the chart has been superimposed on your floor plan, we progress area by area explaining what each square means to you and how you can enhance and improve the represented area such as Wealth, Fame, Career, Family, and Relationships.

How do we do that?

We conduct an on-site consultation, which lasts from one hour to three hours depending on the size of the location and or space, and apply the principles of Feng Shui to your specific environment. This process includes suggestions for placement of objects, furniture, storage, use of color, shapes, textures, symbols, plus the addition of certain items for enhancement and a plan for implementation based on the information and charts created in Step Two.

What we can do for you:

We transform your environment into a space which accurately reflects your goals and helps to implement them by balancing Ch'i (energy) to support your intentions. You will begin living life according to your choices and not at the mercy of others. You will be free of past restrictions and emerge into a life filled with personal power and freedom.

What you get:

bulletA pre consultation interview with questions about your goals and desired outcome.
bulletAn on-site consultation and a tape of the information with clear instructions of how to make the changes in your environment to match your goals.
bulletOne follow-up conversation for any questions that may arise after the on-site consultation. Within 1-3 weeks following the consult.